We are proud to announce CEDAR Trinity 6, the latest revision of our groundbreaking audio surveillance software, now featuring several important new facilities that include improved speech enhancement and wider compatibility with other surveillance systems.
Updates include:
All of this is in addition to existing facilities including CEDAR's unique AI-based speech detection, varispeed without changing the pitch and timbre of the voices, and Isolate™, which allows you to separate one or more wanted speakers from unwanted noise and other speakers that would otherwise contaminate the wanted signal.
CEDAR's Managing Director, Gordon Reid, says, "CEDAR Trinity 6 is a natural evolution from previous versions, with improved performance, more facilities and a wider range of compatibilities with other equipment. The development from the original Enhance filter bank to Enhance Plus makes it possible for our users to glean more information from live feeds, while forensic users will be able - more quickly and easily - to create better transcriptions. In addition, the ability to export to CEDAR Cambridge using extended WAV files that include Isolate metadata will allow users to apply the most powerful speaker separation and filtering to their surveillance recordings. The ability to send commands using the record on/off buttons allows users to do things such as control external devices so that agencies can now install and monitor CEDAR Trinity recorders where (for legal reasons related to privacy) they may previously have been unable to do so. In addition, the software improvements in the recorder mean that it can be installed in even smaller devices for covert operations. Finally, the inclusion of Opus file compatibility means that recordings made on a far wider range of external devices can be dragged and dropped directly into CEDAR Trinity for work such as filtering and transcription."
There's lots more to tell so, to find out more, please contact Alan French.
CEDAR Trinity 6 will be available from Friday 12 May 2023.
Please contact Alan French to enquire about pricing and upgrading from previous versions of CEDAR Trinity.
Designed specifically for advanced audio surveillance and intelligence gathering, CEDAR Trinity is our innovative and powerful surveillance system, used worldwide by law enforcement and security forces for real-time intelligence gathering, evidential recording and transcription. It features many unique features including our unique blind source separation that allows multiple users to isolate individual speakers from background noise and babble.
Depending upon the variant installed, any given host running CEDAR Trinity can be used as a self-contained system or as part of a distributed system that allows multiple users to access numerous live streams and recordings. Each has its own combination of benefits, making it possible for you to specify and install the system that best matches your requirements.
CEDAR Audio Limited, 20 Home End, Fulbourn, Cambridge, CB21 5BS, United Kingdom.
t: +44 1223 881771